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Should I buy a house in New Jersey suburbs or New York City?

Reading Time: 5 minutesAnyone who has lived or worked in New York City knows that there are more affordable places to live. But does it make sense, if and ...

Fall 2023 economic update

Reading Time: 2 minutesWith changes in many of the major economic variables, we thought it would be a good idea to address the changing backdrop in our newsletter this ...

Am I saving enough?

Reading Time: 2 minutesMost people operate with the goal of saving as much as they possibly can. If you want to figure out if you are saving enough, you ...

What you need to know about the Pfizer 401k plan

Reading Time: 5 minutesPfizer is headquartered in Manhattan, New York, but it is home to many tri-state area employees. For these folks we’ve written a blog to decipher the ...

July Newsletter

Reading Time: < 1 minuteRecent inflation data shows hope. As always, please reach out with any questions. Sources Bureau of Labor Statistics. (13 June, 2023). Consumer Price Index Summary. Cox, Jeff. (13 June, 2023). CNBC. Inflation ...

How to set up an S Corp 401(k)

Reading Time: 3 minutesAccountants and CPAs often recommend that business owners use an S-Corp as the legal structure for their businesses to reduce income taxes. However, there is far ...

What roadblocks should I avoid when selling my psychiatry business

Reading Time: 3 minutesOften there’s not much said about selling a psychiatry practice. As financial advisors for therapists, we encourage you to avoid getting caught off guard as there ...
Picture of palm trees

So, you’re thinking about moving from New Jersey to Florida…

Reading Time: 4 minutesWorking with retired people, a common question we get is, “Should we move from New Jersey to Florida.” Given how expensive it can get in New ...