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Should I buy short-term disability insurance or just use my emergency fund?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Here’s this month’s New Jersey personal finance question: Do I need to buy ...

How to get through probate in New Jersey without draining your bank account!

Reading Time: 4 minutes The process of receiving an inheritance can be complicated and expensive, but ...

What market concentration means for you

Reading Time: 2 minutes Market concentration results when there is a disproportionate amount of price appreciation spread ...

What a Psychiatrist should do 10 years before retirement

Reading Time: 3 minutes Psychiatrists and other mental health professionals tend to have mixed sentiments about ...

Help – I’m confused! Do I have a trust, or not?

Reading Time: 3 minutes One of the frequent questions we get from clients is, “I don’t ...

“How much money should I have saved by age 35?”

Reading Time: < 1 minute Here’s this month’s New Jersey personal finance question: “I’m 35 years ...