
August newsletter

Reading Time: 3 minutesLast month the Fed announced a rate hike of 75 basis points, or 0.75%, the fourth raise this year, in an effort to curtail inflation. The Federal Funds rate now stands at 2.25 to 2.5%.  While there was no noticeable market impact, it’s important to understand the trickle-down effect this may have on other rates […]

August newsletter Read More »

Inflation’s impact on Social Security and retirement

Reading Time: 2 minutesGiven the run up, there are many concerns about inflation’s impact on Social Security and retirement. Here are three main points to keep in mind. #1 One question we are getting a lot is, “Does Social Security increase with inflation?” We’ve written this article explaining in full detail; here’s the synopsis. Every year around October, the Social

Inflation’s impact on Social Security and retirement Read More »

This blog is about the New Jersey 529 Plan and how it can help send kids to college.

What is the New Jersey 529 Plan and should I use it to send my kids to college?

Reading Time: 4 minutesGarden State residents usually have questions about the New Jersey 529 plan. In this blog we’ll talk about what it is, its salient features, and the pros and cons. Before we get started, you may want to check out other New Jersey finance blogs we’ve written: A checklist for moving to Morristown, NJ from NYC

What is the New Jersey 529 Plan and should I use it to send my kids to college? Read More »

Our easy, clear take on the question of if Social Security increases with inflation

Reading Time: 5 minutesGiven the tear that inflation has been on for the last year, concerns about managing expenses have come to the forefront. For many people retired or approaching retirement, whether or not inflation makes Social Security increase is a critical one. If you are asking “does Social Security increase with inflation?”, sit tight – we’re going

Our easy, clear take on the question of if Social Security increases with inflation Read More »

This blog talks about closing a therapy practice.

The finance aspects of closing a therapy practice

Reading Time: 7 minutesOf all aspects of being a mental health professional, there is little said about the financial aspects associated with closing a therapy practice. In this blog, we’ll cover all that, and more: Before we get into the blog, we are a financial planner for therapists and mental health professionals. If you are interested, it may

The finance aspects of closing a therapy practice Read More »

This blog discusses the New Jersey retirement plan savings mandate.

Help! I can’t handle the New Jersey retirement savings plan mandate!

Reading Time: 3 minutesA law has been passed requiring certain employers in New Jersey to provide retirement savings plans for their companies. It’s called the New Jersey Small Business Retirement Marketplace Act. In this article we’re going to discuss the terms of the mandate, how to know if you qualify, and what the employer’s options may be. Before

Help! I can’t handle the New Jersey retirement savings plan mandate! Read More »